It is the policy of the 好色tv District School Board to ensure ethical, professional and accountable purchasing and supply chain activities. Policy and Regulations are aligned with the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive of the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) and reflect how these requirements will be met.
Regulations BA-5.1.1A and BA-5.1.1B
Procurement and Central Services at the 好色tv District School Board supports the effective and efficient provision of products and services required to deliver quality education to students through ethical, professional and accountable sourcing, purchasing/supply chain and contracting activities. We coordinate the acquisition of all goods and services requirements according to Board policy (BA-5.1) and Regulations (BA-5.1.1A and BA-5.1.1B) which are aligned with the Broader Public Sector Procurement Directive of the Ministry of Government & Consumer Services (MGCS).
Bid opportunities for the provision of goods and services are advertised by electronic means in accordance with Board Policy. To ensure as many competitive bid opportunities reach the broadest vendor base possible, the Board advertises and posts bid documents and conducts the bid process electronically through .
All Board acquisitions exceeding $100,000 must be attained through a formal competitive bid process and will be advertised through the website noted above. It is the responsibility of parties interested in bid opportunities to check this website regularly or register so that opportunities are provided to them based on their profile.
Surplus Board Real Estate
In accordance with Policy BA-6.5 Surplus Board Real Estate - Disposal/Rental, the Board shall determine whether surplus real estate is to be retained for future use, leased or sold. The Real Estate Disposal Committee oversees the disposition of real estate. In disposing of surplus real estate, the Board will ensure that, in the best interests of the public, all would-be purchasers have an equal chance; therefore, an open market opportunity is used to obtain the price most advantageous to the Board.
In accordance with Ontario Regulation 444/98, government agencies and community partners are notified when the school board has surplus property available for purchase. If none of these parties are interested in purchasing the land, at fair market value, it is made available for purchase to the public.
When the school board has properties available for sale, they will be listed on this web page.