School Councils
Parental input and involvement play a large part in the success of schools within the 好色tv District School Board. To ensure parents and guardians have a voice in their child's education, each school has established a committee called the "school council" designed to provide a platform for parental and community representation at the school.
As an advisory body, the school council works together to provide ideas and opinions to assist the principal in making the school a better place for learning. Membership is voluntary, with parents and guardians electing their own representatives. The school principal, staff, students, and community members are encouraged to be involved in the school council, with all members working together to improve student achievement and success.
The School Council Chairpersons' Contact List, provides a list of school council chairpersons, regional chairpersons and regional representatives. Please, let us know if you have suggestions or input to make this site better.
School Council Support and Videos
On our School Council video page, you will find informative, short videos on the roles and expectations for School Council members, plus some practical tips. For additional information on roles and responsibilities, please see School Council Support.
Parent Involvement Committee
KPR also has a Parent Involvement Committee, comprising parent, guardian, and community representatives from across the Board. The Committee meets regularly to consider and offer advice about the ways the Board and schools can support and improve meaningful and inclusive parental involvement. Learn more about the Parent Involvement Committee.
In September 1998, the 好色tv District School Board established Board Policy No. B-6.1, School Councils. This policy was updated 27 October 2020 and was complemented by the addition of Board Policy No. B-6.2, School Councils' Associations. The latter policy introduced the structure of regional school council associations for implementation in September 1999. Thus, each superintendency created a regional association with the intent of promoting communication between school councils, administration and trustees within that superintendency and beyond.
Administrative Regulation No. BA-4.8.1, Fundraising - Guidelines
Administrative Regulations No. BA-4.8.1 Appendix A
Ontario Regulations - School Councils
Ontario Regulation 612/00 confirms the advisory role of school councils and clearly states that their purpose is to improve student achievement and enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. This regulation also clarifies the role of school councils and establishes their right to express their views on any issues that are important to them.
For more information, please see visit the .
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